Posts tagged Poland
Editorial: Migrants' psychosocial health: cultural and religious resources through resilience and coping

The Research Topic, Migrants' psychosocial health: cultural and religious resources through resilience and coping, is published in Frontiers and addresses how resilience and coping strategies are expressed among the most vulnerable communities, and how they are bearing the burden and enduring the most dire consequences of recent crises, not the least the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak. People with migrant backgrounds, refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, who were already experiencing multifaceted repressions and discrimination, now find themselves in an even more vulnerable situation ranging from immediate....

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Integracja beneficjentów ochrony międzynarodowej w Polsce – przegląd działań Powiatowych Centrów Pomocy Rodzinie

RESPOND Policy Brief [2021/18]

Authors: Dominik Wach, Marta Pachocka - Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw

Reforma administracyjna Polski z 1999 roku wprowadziła trójstopniową strukturę podziału terytorialnego (województwo, powiat, gmina), a jednym z jej efektów było powołanie Powiatowych Centrów Pomocy Rodzinie (PCPR). Jednostki tego typu…

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Adult Refugees’ Integration in Poland: Challenges in area of education and their effects on access to the labour market

RESPOND Policy Brief [2021/17]

Authors: Justyna Szałańska, Karolina Sobczak-Szelc - Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw

This policy brief aims to provide a brief overview of the opportunities and challenges faced by adult refugees (both asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection) in Poland in areas of education, in particular Polish language learning, and access into the labour market…

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