Border Management and Migration Controls in IRAQ Report

William K. Warda - Hamed S. A. al-Maffraji - Nahla Arif - Yohanna Y. Toma - Ayad C. Joffrey | Hammurabi Human Rights Organization

This report focuses on Border Management and Migration Control in Iraq through discussing three main issues, these are: First, it discusses Iraq legal framework defining the pre entry measures; procedures for return, detention and readmission; and key actors involved in Border Management and Migration Control. Second, it provides a conceptualization of Iraq decision makers on the importance of Border Management and the process of regulating the status of refugees and asylum seekers. This includes discussing the challenges and fears of Iraqi politicians paralyzing the process of enacting some important legislations aiming at further development of Iraq legal framework. Thirdly, it discusses the applicable policies and practices, and their compliance with the Iraqi legal system and with the international standards. Additionally, the report includes a conclusion part summarising the main findings of the researching team and their recommndations.

The report helps us to better understand the Iraqi context of Border Management and Migration Control through studying relevant legislations and how they are connected to the moral and human dimension of the international legal standards. In addition, the report provides a theoretical scientific frame to study the rights of refugees and means to protect them through providing the tools for objective analysis to the reality of Border Management and Migration Control in Iraq.

The report provides an overview of how the State of Iraq deals with migration management and the protection of refugees. It sheds the lights on main problems related to Border Management and Migration Control. Some of these problems are of legal nature, others are of sensitive political nature. Apart from other issues of not less sensitivity, Iraqi politicians’ fears are centred on changes to national identity and possible demographic changes.

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